Fox Run 4369 Round Cake Base, Cardboard, 12-Inch, Pack of 8

Fox Run
In Stock


Brand Fox Run
Model 4369
Color White
Size 12-Inch

  • 12 x 12 inch
  • Made of sturdy, uncoated white cardboard
  • 8 round bases, ideal for adding a professional look to your cake, gingerbread house, or non-edible craft project
  • Use to hold middle layers when assembling a tiered cake
  • Can use more than one circle for added support and can be covered

  • Love baking cakes Cake bases serve an array of functions in the baking world, and these are the ones for the job. This pack of 12 round cake bases are crafted out of sturdy, white, uncoated cardboard. To make the process easier, these 12-inch rounds have the perfect strength and thickness for holding middle layers when assembling a tiered cake. Great for adding a professional look to your cake, gingerbread house, or even non-edible craft project, the cake bases can be stacked for added support or covered for added presentation. Exactly what you need to create, design and decorate the way you want to.

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