Tommee Tippee Advanced Anti-Colic Newborn Bottle Set

Tommee Tippee
In Stock


Brand Tommee Tippee
Model 52256110

  • Designed to reduce colic symptoms for less gas, less spit up and less discomfort
  • Unique 3-piece anti-colic straw draws air away from milk
  • Star valve prevents milk travelling back up the tube, so no leaks and that's a promise
  • Heat sensing technology turns straw pink when baby's feed is too hot
  • Award-winning breast-like nipple for natural latch and guaranteed acceptance

  • Colic in infants may be caused by a number of influences. Some experts believe that the discomfort caused by ingesting air during feeding is a significant contributing factor and when bottle feeding, this can be stressful and upsetting for both parents and babies. The new added comfort range from tommee tippee closer to nature is specially designed to help prevent colic by reducing air bubbles in the milk and to encourage a good latch-on during feeding. As with all closer to nature bottles and nipples they are designed to also allow moms to switch between bottle and breastfeeding with limited disruption or confusion for baby.

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