Spectra Baby USA - S1 Plus Premier Rechargeable Electric Breast Pump, Double/Single, Hospital Grade

Spectra Baby USA
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  • INCLUDES: Spectra S1 Hospital Grade Double/Single Breast Pump, 12 Volt AC Power Adapter, Detachable Power Cord Prongs, (2) Spectra Wide Neck Bottle, (2) Spectra Backflow Protector, (2) Spectra Duckbill Valve, (2) Spectra Tubing, (4) Flange (2-24mm & 2-28mm)
  • CLOSED SYSTEM: No need to clean the narrow tubing because Spectra S1 has a closed pumping system that keeps tubing dry by preventing air flow between expressed milk and pump tubing while pumping. This aides in protecting breast milk and baby from bacteria, mold and viruses while pumping.
  • RECHARGEABLE BATTERY: Spectra S1 has a convenient, inbuilt rechargeable battery.
  • CUSTOMIZABLE SETTINGS: Each mother can customize her pump's settings to her own body's response and follow her flow to find her own best settings with the S1's completely adjustable suction and 2 phase cycling in let-down and expression mode.
  • MOMMY OWNED: Spectra Baby USA is owned and run by Registered Nurses, Board Certified Lactation Consultants, and more importantly... by MOMS.

  • The S1 PLUS Hospital Strength Double Electric Breast Pump with inbuilt RECHARGEABLE BATTERY provides all the features of the S2, with the addition of an inbuilt rechargeable battery. This means that you are now able to benefit from the efficiency, power and performance of a hospital strength breast pump, without compromising on portability. The S1 boasts so many great features and is designed to truly meet the needs of moms wanting to feel confident that they have an effective, powerful breast pump to support supply while also incorporating features to make life a little easier. Like all Spectra pumps, the S1 is a closed system - a physical barrier between the milk and the pump ensures hygiene and motor performance. With a maximum suction strength of 250mmHg and the ability to be used as a single or double pump, plus a host of additional features, the S1 is set to become the ultimate breast pump to support U.S. moms. The S1's completely flexible, touch button, with the S1 pump's digital controls allow you to set the pumping program to the speed and rhythm most effective for your body. The suction is adjustable in both let-down and expression mode. This quiet pump also includes a timer and night light. Spectra Baby USA is a top leading breast pump company offering moms the latest innovative breast pumps and supplies. Spectra Baby USA is a team of lactation consultants and pumping mamas that take this journey very seriously. They want to help provide moms all around the world access to a good quality pump to provide breast milk for their babies.
    Brand: Spectra Baby USA, Model: SPS100, Size: Spectra S1

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