Pacific Baby 3-in-One Insulated Bottle, Orange Bubbles

Pacific Baby
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  • Thermal 7 ounce wide mouth thermal baby bottle can keep the temperature up to 10 hours whether it is hot or cold
  • Safe BPA free, and successfully tested against numerous european and north american safety standards
  • Long product life starting from birth and converting easily to sip cups and drink bottles the range has a long product life of 5 years and above
  • Enhanced visibility our thermal bottles have more visibility than any other brand; With wide-necks and inner scales, up to fully removable insert plastic bottles, we offer parents greater liquid visibility than any other steel baby bottle
  • Do not microwave this bottle

  • The 3-in-One Thermal Baby Bottle is not meant as a substitute for mothers' favorite baby bottle brands, but rather as an essential add on product. The 7 ounce 3-in-One keeps liquid warm or cold for up to ten hours. The bottle is made of high quality stainless steel, insulated for maximum thermal capability. In addition to its thermal system, the bottle can easily be converted to a sip cup, and ultimately a drink bottle, by applying the company's simple handle and spout accessories, giving the product an ultimate life of more than five years. In addition to this great functionality for parents and children alike, during the course of infancy, toddlerhood and early primary years, most parents will use and ultimately discard from 3/4 plastic baby bottles, one or two sip cups and eventually their primary age drink bottle - but the 3-in-One can be utilized during this entire phase, dramatically reducing plastic waste. In keeping with modern trends the bottle's few plastic parts are free of BPA, PVC and Phthalates, and the product has been tested against a wide range of European and North American safety regulations. The 7 ounce bottle comes with a single 'slow flow wide neck teat.' Keeps liquid warm or cold for up to 10 hours. Great for feeding when on the go. Accessories available for easy conversion to toddler sip cup and drink bottle for a long product life. Wide neck and inner scale for great visibility. BPA, PVC and phthalate free and steamer and dishwasher (top rack) safe.
    Brand: Pacific Baby, Model: 203, Color: Orange Bubbles

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