Nuby 2-Pack Super Spout Standard Top Replacements

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Brand Nuby
Model 9955
Color Clear
Size Pack of 1 (2)

  • Replacement spouts for most Nuby Super Straw or Super Spout standard sized cups
  • No-Spill design prevents spills and reduces leaks
  • Touch-Flo technology activates as soon as your child begins drinking
  • Soft silicone training spout eases the transition from nipple to spout drinking
  • 6 Months / BPA Free

  • These replacement spouts will fit most Nuby Super Straw and Super Spout cups that have a standard sized top. They are designed to make the transition from nipple to spout drinking easier. Like many of our silicone nipples, the Super Spout replacements feature a No-Spill Touch-Flo valve that opens instantly with a small amount of pressure, making it easy and simple to drink from. When the pressure is released, the spout closes ensuring a leak resistant cup. This unique valve originated on Nuby cups and is endorsed by pediatric dentists all over the world because it encourages natural drinking and oral development. And since it's from Nuby, you can be assured that it is BPA Free!

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