L'ovedbaby 4-in-1 Nursing Shawl - Show & Tell Caramel

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  • Nursing cover; pregnancy poncho; canopy for stroller or car seat; lightweight blanket
  • Available in a variety of stylish; solid colors; which are perfect over casual; business or formal attire
  • Made of ultra thin; breathable microfiber; which is less likely than cotton to harbor bacteria
  • Can be used over a breast pump for working mothers
  • Machine washable; dryer safe and comes in a matching drawstring pouch; perfect for carrying an extra diaper and wipes

  • This versatile 4 in 1 Nursing Shawl by L'ovedbaby is perfect for modest moms who want to privately nurse in public and in style. The roomy neckline lets mom maintain eye contact with baby while the breathable and super soft faux suede fabric keeps baby cool and comfy any time of year. This is intentionally made of ultra thin micro fiber. It's less likely than cotton to harbor bacteria in the event of accidental milk spills and spit ups. And; with its covered back; solid colors; and no loops or clasps to deal with; this lightweight nursing cover slips on easily over any outfit and blends right in. It's also great over a breast pump for working moms. Best of all is it is machine washable; dryer safe and comes in a matching drawstring pouch. This is perfect for carrying an extra diaper and wipes when you don't want to lug your whole diaper bag. It is both functional and fabulous. The 4 in 1 Nursing Shawl can also be used as a pregnancy poncho; canopy for the stroller or car seat; and lightweight blanked. This nursing shawl that does it all is the ultimate gift for any new or expectant mom. Make your baby a L'ovedbaby.
    Brand: L'ovedbaby, Model: 222, Color: Show & Tell Caramel

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