Bebe au Lait Premium Cotton Nursing Pillow, Chateau Silver

Bebe au Lait
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  • Nursing pillow promotes better latch by placing baby at the ideal height
  • Reversible dual-sided design features a flat, firmer surface on one side and a plush, softer surface on the other for customizable support
  • Padded adjustable waist strap features an easy-release buckle to keep the pillow in place while nursing
  • Convenient, two-sided pocket provides a place to store burp cloths, breast pads, and other essentials
  • Pillow and removable slipcover are machine washable

  • The Bebe au Lait Premium Cotton Nursing Pillow adds comfort and style to the breastfeeding experience by placing baby at the ideal height and encouraging breastfeeding success. Created by a nursing mom and Lactation Consultant Approved, this breastfeeding pillow has a reversible, dual-sided design that provides customizable support for mom and baby and promotes a better latch. Choose from a flat, firmer surface for support or a plush, softer surface for comfort. The pillow features a padded adjustable waist strap with an easy-release buckle to keep it in place. The convenient two-sided pocket allows you to store burp cloths, breast pads, and other essentials close within reach. The open shape of the pillow also ensures a comfortable fit for any mom. Chateau Silver is our modern take on a Victorian classic with romantic silver and white motifs. Additional slipcovers are available for purchase to have multiple style options or to have another option available if one is in the wash. The Bebe au Lait Nursing Pillow and removable slip cover are both machine washable for a worry-free breastfeeding experience. Bebe au Lait's award-winning products have been a favorite of celebrities and parents since 2004. Bebe au Lait is committed to creating products that families love, whether it's for bath time, mealtime, or on the go. All Bebe au Lait products are made of the highest quality materials and tested to meet international safety standards. Designed by parents for parents, Bebe au Lait is the practical and luxurious choice that parents reach for first.
    Brand: Bebe au Lait, Model: PBCSL, Color: Chateau Silver, Size: One Size

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