Avent Isis Breast Pump with 2 Bottles

Philips AVENT
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  • Includes one ISIS Manual Breast Pump, two 4-oz AVENT Natural Feeding Bottles and two Sealing Discs for breast milk storage
  • Clinically proven to be as effective as electric pumps.
  • Combines massage with a gentle vacuum, while all other pumps rely solely on suction.

  • Avent Isis Pump w/ 4oz. Bottle Description:Clinically proven to be as effective as electric pumps, this Avent Isis pump features a Let-Down Massage Cushion for a fast, natural let-down. Combines massage with a gentle vacuum, while all other pumps rely solely on suction. Redefines manual pumping by needing only occasional compressions on the handle after achieving let down; Handle provides fingertip control to make subtle and effortless adjustments Soft massagers flex with each compression to gentlymassage the area behind the nipple for a natural let down; Massagers work with silicone diaphragm to draw milk gently and consistently
    Brand: Philips AVENT, Model: Phi-9203

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