Ameda ComfortGel Hydrogel Pads, Provides Cool, Soothing Relief of Nipple Discomfort, Discreet Under Clothing, Helps Heal Cracked Nipples, Safe & Non-Toxic, Reusable, Ready-to-Use in Sterile Packaging

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Brand Ameda
Model 17261M

  • SOOTHE & HEAL: Ameda reusable ComfortGel Hydrogel Pads provide cool, soothing relief of nipple soreness & discomfort due to breastfeeding. The cooling pads create a moist healing environment, which is recommended by hospitals for optimal post-partum care.
  • DISCREET PROTECTION: The Ameda ComfortGel Hydrogel Pads are discreet when worn inside the bra and they provide protection from clothing rubbing against sore and sensitive nipples. Help heal soreness & cracking and prevent painful friction on your nipples.
  • SUPPORT FOR YOUR PUMPING: As part of our mission to empower you achieve your breastfeeding goals, we provide a wide suite of breast pumps, breast milk storage and nursing and pumping accessories to make your experience more comfortable, safe & convenient.
  • THE FIRST NAME IN BREAST PUMPS. Each of our highest quality breast pumps are made with what we call The Ameda Difference. Our breast pumps have been used by top healthcare institutions and millions of mothers to provide the best nutrition for their babies.
  • QUALITY BEYOND COMPARE: The Ameda Difference means we stand by our breastfeeding products. Compare Ameda's line of breastfeeding aids and pumps to products from Lansinoh, Baby Baby, bamboobies, elfinbaby, NatureBond, Milkies, Motherlove, Little Martin's.

  • Designed for women experiencing nipple discomfort due to breastfeeeding. Helps protect sensitive breast tissue. Soothes and helps heal cracked nipples. Safe and non-toxic for both mother and baby. Ready to use in convenient sterile packaging. Helps to absorb excess milk leakage. May be worn for up to six days before a new pad is needed. Discreet under clothing, fits well inside most nursing bras.

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