NCAA Ohio State University "Shadow Brutus" Chrome Double Ring Neon Clock, 14"

Trademark Gameroom
Out Of Stock


  • Battery Operated Quartz Clock Mechanism
  • Officially Licensed Ohio State Full Color Logo on the Clock Dial
  • High Polished Chrome Finish Molded Resin Housing
  • High Grade Glass Cover
  • AC Power Adapter with 6 feet; Cord

  • Every game room, garage or man cave could use the addition of an officially licensed neon clock. So why not add one of the highest grade clocks on the market to your collection This impressive clock has not just one but two neon rings. It has an accent colored neon ring on the exterior and a brilliant white neon ring on the interior of the clock to light up your favorite logo. Other highlights include chrome finished resin housing and a high grade glass clock face cover. The battery operated quartz clock mechanism will keep your new prize precise and ticking for a long time, while the neon runs off the included AC adapter. The neon is controlled by the pull chain and the back of the clock includes a wall hanging mount. The 3 inch depth of this clock combined with the radiant shimmer of the neon reflecting off the chrome housing is sure to make this clock pop off of any wall. Bring style and function to your game room, garage or collection with an officially licensed double ringed neon clock.
    Brand: Trademark Gameroom, Model: OSU1400-FADE, Color: Multi-Color

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