Unique 6ft Emoji Birthday Banner

In Stock


Brand Unique
Model 50623
Color As Shown
Size One Size

  • 1 Emoji Birthday Banner
  • Emoji Party Banner measures 6ft long
  • Cool addition to a kids birthday party, teen party, or emoji themed party
  • Jointed hinges and attached strings allow for easy hanging on a wall, along a mantel, across a party table, and more
  • Coordinate with other Emoji party decorations and party supplies

  • Wish the guest of honor a happy birthday with the help of their favorite smiley faces and other digital icons with this Emoji Birthday Banner. Featuring a bright blue outline and cut-out letters adorned with tons of the most popular emojis, this "Happy Birthday" banner is sure to be a hit at any kid or teen birthday party, especially an emoji birthday party. Attach it to the front of a snack table to add some playful style in a snap, or to the wall behind the birthday boy or girl's seat at the lunch table to snap a memorable picture of the event when everyone gathers around for cake. With flexible hinges in between each letter and string attached to each end, this party banner can also be easily hung across a mantel, along a fence, over an archway, or just about anywhere else you can think of.

    Custom Tab 01

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