Unique 6.5ft Justice League Birthday Banner

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  • 1 Justice League Birthday Banner
  • Justice League Party Banner measures 6.5ft
  • Excellent addition to any superhero birthday party or Justice League themed party
  • Jointed hinges and attached strings make it easy to hang this banner from on a table, wall, mantel, and more
  • Coordinate with other Justice League party decorations and party supplies from Unique

  • Wish the guest of honor a "Happy Birthday" with the help of their favorite DC superheroes by hanging up this Justice League Birthday Banner. Featuring bright and colorful cut out letters emblazoned with graphics of Superman, Batman, the Flash, the Green Lantern, and Aqua man, this party banner is sure to be a hit at any superhero party or Justice League birthday party. Attach this happy birthday banner to the front of a snack table to jazz it up with some superhero style, or hang it on a wall behind the birthday boy's seat at the lunch table to remind everyone of the reason for celebrating.
    Brand: Unique, Model: 49980, Color: Multi-colored, Size: 6.5'

    Custom Tab 01

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