My Little Pony Beverage Napkins, 16ct

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  • Package of 16 My Little Pony Beverage Napkins
  • My Little Pony Party Napkins measure 10" x 10" when unfolded and 5" x 5" inches folded
  • Excellent for any girls birthday party or My Little Pony theme party
  • Pass out with refreshments so guests can easily wipe up crumbs and condensation
  • Coordinate with other My Little Pony party supplies and tableware

  • Hand out delicious drinks and savory snacks in style with these My Little Pony Beverage Napkins. Featuring an adorable design of Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy from the hit animated series, these 2-ply paper napkins are sure to be a hit with little girls at any My Little Pony birthday party. Stack them on a snack table for pony fans to grab with chips and cookies, or pass them out for guests to set their drinks on to keep tables safe from drink rings.
    Brand: Unique, Model: 44651, Color: Multicolored

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