81ft Bright Yellow Crepe Paper Streamers

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Brand Unique
Model 6305
Color Bright Yellow
Size 81ft

  • 1 Roll of Hot Yellow Crepe Paper Streamers
  • Hot Yellow Party Streamer Roll measures 1.75" wide x 81 feet long
  • Hang from ceilings to create a tent effect, twist streamers together into spirals of color, or drape around furniture to personalize your party style
  • Yellow party decorations are perfect for a birthday party, baby shower, or summer party
  • Coordinate with other yellow party supplies and party decorations

  • Brighten up any get-together in a snap by decorating with this roll of Hot Yellow Crepe Paper Streamers. Great for all sorts of parties, such as a birthday party, baby shower, or summer luau party these crepe streamers will transform any space into a fabulous affair in no time. Cut this streamer into strips and tape them to the backs of chairs to add some fancy flair to a sit-down meal. Or, tape longer strips to a wall and twist them in a spiral to jazz up a room, or to create a dazzling backdrop for a snack table or dessert bar. To really wow guests, try attaching strips of this party streamer to the ceiling for a mesmerizing chandelier effect. Not only great for parties, these crepe streamers are great for a number of fun arts and crafts projects, too.

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