Logicmark 37920 Freedom Alert Emergency Wall Communicator

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  • USE WITH MULTIPLE PENDANTS- A combination of up to 4 wall communicators and/or pendants can be programmed to one base station
  • PUSH TO TALK -imply push the HELP button to connect to family, friends, emergency 911 or your central station
  • WATER RESISTANT-Great for bathroom where you would remove pendants
  • BATHROOM SAFETY-Great for mounting next to the bed, in the bathroom or at the bottom of the stairs

  • Provide yourself additional safety where and when you need it with the Emergency Wall Communicator 1.0. The EWC is an additional two-way voice communicator that can be permanently mounted in high-risk areas throughout the home for complete coverage. Compatible with the FreedomAlert and LifeSentry, the EWC allows the user to call for help, especially when the pendant is not being worn. Nearly percent of falls occur in the bathroom or bedroom and the EWC is a great safety device to include in those areas in case of an emergency. The EWC is an effective and affordable solution to ensure a safe living environment.
    Brand: LogicMark, Model: 37920

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