JW Comfy Perch for Birds

SKU: EZFB0002563O0
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  • Helps relieve cage stress, boredom, and related feather picking
  • Allows you to create different types of perches
  • Recommended for your bird to have different perching surfaces in their environment along with color enrichment
  • Your bird will love the shapes, bright colors & feel of the Comfy PerchTM

  • Keep your pet bird comfortable and stress-free with the JW Pet Comfy Perch. The Comfy Perch is a simple, multi-colored rope that works wonders for helping to relieve cage stress and boredom. Twist and bend the Comfy Perch into any creative shape you want. Each end attaches to a wire cage, and it will hold its shape without the danger of wires or stiffeners being exposed, so your pet bird will rest comfortably. Pet birds need perches of varying lengths, thicknesses, styles, and materials to keep their grip strength and their feet healthy. Great for parakeets, cockatiels, parrots, canaries and finches.
    Brand: JW, Model: 56114, Color: Black, Size: Medium

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