Goo Gone Original Liquid - 8 Ounce - Surface Safe Adhesive Remover Safely removes Stickers Labels Decals Residue Tape Chewing Gum Grease Tar

Goo Gone
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Brand Goo Gone
Model 2087
Color Yellow
Size 1Pack (8 oz)

  • SURFACE SAFE - formula will not harm your surfaces
  • REMOVES TAPE - excellent for removing tape from your surfaces
  • PERFECT FOR CLEANING - great for cleaning clothing, dinnerware and tables
  • REMOVES STICKERS - great for removing stickers from gifts or even cars
  • USE ON - adhesive, gum, crayon, glue

  • America's #1 Brand for Sticky, Gummy, Greasy, Gooey Problems! Goo Gonne's citrus power and scientific technology combine to defeat the toughest stains. Goo Gone can be used on hard surfaces, carpeting, upholstery, clothing, and more.If you can't undo it, UN-goo it. Remove sticky, greasy messes with Goo Gone Original and return your surfaces to their original condition. Goo Gone removed stains from carpet, ceramic/ porcelain, finished wood, sealed stone, painted surfaces, glass, fabric, metals, and plastics. Goo gone is perfect for cleaning clothing, dinnerware and tables. DO NOT USE Goo Gone on silk, leather suede, rubber, faux stainless steel, drywall, unfinished wood surfaces or unsealed stone. Goo Gone is safe on cars, just test on an inconspicuous area before using it in full. After you're done please wash the area with hot soapy water. Do not allow Goo Gone Original to sit on rubber as it can deteriorate it. Goo Gone is not food safe, but you can use Goo Gone on a surface which comes in contact with food, please wash the surface thoroughly with soap and water after use. Goo Gone Original is safe on painted surfaces, which means it will not remove any paint. But, our products such as the latex Paint Clean-Up Spray and Wipes WILL remove paint. Goo Gone is safe on fabric, just be sure to pre-test on an inconspicuous area and launder the fabric after using Goo Gone. USE ONLY PER LABEL DIRECTIONS.

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