Quirky Pluck Yolk Extractor

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  • Simply place it over the yolk of an already cracked egg, squeeze the silicone chamber and release to suck the egg yolk up into it
  • To dispose of its contents, just give Pluck another squeeze and move onto the next egg
  • When finished, separate the two pieces and wash by hand or in the dishwasher
  • Flexible squeeze chamber, clear yolk chamber, two piece design for easy cleaning
  • Great product for fitness fanatics and avid dieters who would rather have an egg white omelet option for breakfast

  • From bodybuilders to soccer moms, egg whites are a great healthy breakfast choice. But separating the yolk from the whites can seem like pulling a rabbit from a hat. Enter Quirky's Pluck, the yolk extractor you'll have to see to believe.
    Brand: Quirky, Model: PPLK1-WH01, Color: White and Plastic, Size: One Size

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