8 different dynamic curves are available for each pad, or you can set each pad to its own fixed level
Great response no matter where you strike them, not just in the center
The X-Y pad adds real-time control of both flam and roll timing and dynamics
2 assignable knobs provide continuous control of two MIDI parameters
Ideal for the traveling musician to create natural, organic sounding drumbeats
The Korg padKONTROL joins their expanding line-up of MIDI studio controllers. Adding another dimension beyond traditional keyboard control, the padKONTROL is the most expressive and versatile pad controller ever!In addition to accessing drum sounds and samples, the padKONTROL can also control soft synths and effects, trigger loops and video clips, and even act as transport controls for DAW software programs. Combining an assignable X-Y touchpad that also provides for natural-sounding flams and rolls, sixteen great-feeling illuminated trigger pads, assignable knobs and a footpedal input, the padKONTROL provides unsurpassed evocative control.The padKONTROL is ideal for creating natural, organic sounding drumbeats. Each of the sixteen pads can be individually assigned a note number and MIDI channel so you can control a single drumkit or map it to control different devices in your setup at the same time. Eight different dynamic curves are available for each pad, or you can set each pad to its own fixed level. This allows you to set up certain instruments to feel as you like, and others to always play the perfect velocity, no matter how you strike the pad. You can also set up multiple pads to play the same drum but at different fixed velocities, giving you varied but predictable performance every time.No matter how you set them up, you'll appreciate the great feel of the pads. They respond well no matter where you strike them, not just in the center like many other systems. So you can freely play the pads with both hands, hit the edges or the center and get responsive, musical results – every time! Brand: Korg, Model: PADKONTROLBK, Color: Black
Custom Tab 01
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