Digital Blue: QX3 Microscope

SKU: EZFB000059TF3
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  • Magnify objects and view them on your PC, up to 200X

  • A cool combination of earth science and technology, this computer software and microscope kit turns ordinary discoveries into creative adventures. First, it's collecting specimens from around the house, backyard or even the school lunch tray. The microscope magnifies them up to 200 times the original size, and connects to your PC for viewing and downloading the image-whether it's a snapshot or time-lapse movie. The rest is up to your imagination. You can use the QX3 software to add special effects or manipulate the image. Create animated movies or use the image and video library to enhance your scientific presentation. Finally, print stickers and posters, or share your movie with your friends via email. Includes activity guide book and lab supplies: 2 specimen jars, 2 containment dishes, sample slide, tweezers, eye dropper and slide clip. Compatible with Windows 98, Me, 2000, or XP.
    Brand: Mattel, Model: P510002

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