Small, compact design: Measuring 1.5" in height, 2.0" in depth, 11" in length weighing only 12.2oz.
The DSmobile 600 provides the versatility to scan media from business card size to 8.5 x 14" paper size.
The unique USB power/data interface draws power directly from the PC and comes with a detachable USB cable.
The DSmobile 600 connects to a high-speed USB 2.0 interface yet only consumes only 0.2W of power when in standby mode
Ships in Certified Frustration-Free Packaging
When exceptional quality scanning is a must and space is an issue, reach for the perfect solution, the Brother DSMobile 600 scanner. This powerful, compact, and lightweight 600-dpi color scanner is combined with dynamic software to provide exceptional quality scanning and easy management of documents and photos. The DSMobile 600 provides a high resolution scan utilizing the high speed USB 2.0 interface. The additional software will enhance and simplify your scanning needs. Brand: Brother, Model: DS-600, Color: black
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