Boing! Designs Stretcherz Locker Kit, Orange (A00130)

Boing! Designs
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  • 1 magnet becomes 6!
  • The Locker Hub includes a Magnetic Mirror, Dry erase pen and board, plus one Stretcherz Surf Characters
  • Holds up to 6 photos, notes and more
  • Collect them all
  • This product contains small magnets. Swallowed magnets can stick together across intestines causing serious infections and death. Seek immediate medical attention if magnet(s) are swallowed or inhaled.
  • This product contains small magnets. Swallowed magnets can stick together across intestines causing serious infections and death.
  • Seek immediate medical attention if magnet(s) are swallowed or inhaled.

  • Boing! Designs - Stretcherz - Stretchable magnetic fun! 1 magnet becomes 6 magnets. With arms, legs and necks that stretch out to hold notes, pictures and more, these little characters will tug at your heartstrings as they are posed in endless, adorable configurations. The Locker Hub includes a Magnetic Mirror, Dry erase pen and board, plus one Stretcherz Surf Characters. Stretcherz stretch 3 inches. Keep out of direct sunlight. WARNING: This product contains small magnets. Swallowed magnets can stick together across intestines causing serious infections and death. Seek immediate medical attention if magnet(s) are swallowed or inhaled.
    Brand: Boing! Designs, Model: A00189, Color: Orange

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