Audix OM5 Dynamic Microphone, Hyper-Cardioid

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  • High-quality sound at very high SPLs without distorion or feedback. Naturally attenuated at 120Hz to reduce boominess and handling noise. Mid-range tailored for clarity and presence VLM (Very Low Mass) technology delivers outstanding transient response.
  • The OM5 is known for its clarity, resistance to feedback and ability to handle sound pressure levels in excess of 144 dB without distortion.
  • The OM5 is characterized with an extremely tight and uniformly controlled hypercardioid polar pattern which helps to isolate the vocals from the rest of the instruments on stage.
  • With a wide frequency range of 48 Hz - 19 kHz, the OM5 employs a VLM (Very Low Mass) diaphragm for natural response, accurate sound reproduction and exceptional transient response.

  • The OM5 is designed, assembled and tested by Audix in the USA and is used for stage, studio and broadcast applications. The OM5 is widely known in professional audio for its clarity, resistance to feedback and ability to handle SPLs in excess of 144 dB without distortion. Designed with a tailored midrange, the OM5 will put the lead vocalist out in front of the mix regardless of the volume on stage. The OM5 has an extremely tight and uniformly controlled hypercardioid polar pattern which helps to isolate the vocals from the rest of the instruments on stage. With a wide frequency range of 48 Hz - 19 kHz, the OM5 employs a VLM (very low mass) diaphragm for natural response, accurate sound reproduction and exceptional transient response. The OM5 is naturally attenuated at 120 Hz to reduce boominess and handling noise. The OM5 is comfortable to hold, very easy to work with and made to last a lifetime. Transducer Type: Dynamic Frequency Response: 48 Hz - 19kHzPolar Pattern: HypercardioidOutput Impedance: 200 ohms Sensitivity: 1.8 mV/Pascal1k Off Axis Rejection: > 30 dB Maximum SPL: 144 dB
    Brand: Audix, Model: OM5, Color: Black, Size: 2.00 x 2.00 x 7.00 inches

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