Zumba A0A00524 Express Yourself Bracelets (6PK)

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  • Gender Unisex Bracelet Style rubber Bracelets Material Rubber Manufacturer Part Number A0A00524 Color black ,lime green,orange,yellow ,blue Model A0A00524 Brand Zumba Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H) 1.00 x 4.00 x 7.50 Inches

  • Add flair to your look with the fashionable Zumba Express Yourself Party Bracelets, 6-Pack. Each of the six items is brightly colored and has one unique phrase on the band. These VIP bracelets are sure to encourage you during your workout while adding style to your outfit. The original Zumba logo is printed on the hot pink wrist band. The two black bracelets feature the expressions "peace, love, zumba" in lime green, and "I don't sweat, I glow" in lavender. The phrase "show life who's boss" is written in black on the cute orange band. These Zumba bracelets also include one blue and one yellow item. Each bracelet features fun sayings "get funked up" and "booty shaking machine" imprinted on them in black letters. Wear one alone or wear them all at once for a stacked look. Mix and match the different style for a fun and funky look.
    Brand: Zumba

    Custom Tab 01

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