Top Gun costume officially licensed by the department of navy
Flight dress with patches and aviator glasses
Fun for play times, Halloween and for gifts for a true pop start fan
Child's size small fits most 3 to 4 year olds, 44" to 48" tall with a 25" to 26" waist and 27" to 28" hips
Since 1950 Rubie's' Costume Company has been making dress-up fun with costumes and accessories for the entire family
One of the best places to be in this world is the sky. This is why pilots just never want to leave it once they take to the air in their jet fighters. Because once you're up there you can see so much of the world in one glance and also feel as free as a bird. Now your little girl can feel the freedom a pilot feels high in the sky in this adorable flight suit dress. - Aviator glasses - Dress Brand: Rubie's, Model: 881689, Color: One Color, Size: Small
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