Teamson Kids Little Chef Wooden Toy Play Kitchen with Accessories - Burlywood

Teamson Kids
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  • FUNCTION: Stove comes equipped with accessories, cabinet, oven and microwave open for easy storage and pretend play.
  • MATERIAL: Safe and sturdy wooden stucture made by eco-friendly MDF (CARB-P2) with lead free paints
  • INSTRUCTION: Packaged with step-by-step assembly instruction.
  • DIMENSION: 35.50"(L)x 21.50"(W)x11.63"(H). Includes 4 pieces of accessories.
  • ASSEMBLY TIME: 30 mins.

  • Cook up the creation of your lifetime with Teamson Kids Wooden Play Kitchen. The kitchen is super cute with knobs that turn to provide the illusion of really operating a stove! Stove opens up with a bright yellow handle for ample space to cook a feast the whole family will love. Two burners on the stove are a great place to whip up some satisfying soups or your evening tea! Make sure not to get the sink filled with dishes that you make from taking contents out of the fridge below. There is also a microwave with stick on numbers and timer to provide the illusion that an item is really being heated up. Keep track of play time with the clock above the kitchen set and be sure to store some knick nacks or flower plantes above in the wooden space that is meant for extra storage or decorating!
    Brand: Teamson Kids, Model: TD-11708A, Color: Burlywood

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