Rubie's DC Comics Beware the Batman Costume, Child Medium

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  • Rubies DC Comics Beware the Batman Costume, Child Medium
  • Beware the Batman costume ensemble for kids
  • Half-mask, cape, foam belt and jumpsuit with attached boot covers

  • Since 1951 Rubies has been the world's leader in costumes, decor, and accessories - everything you need to make celebrating safe and fun! From witches and pirates to vampires and zombies, from Graceland to galaxies far, far away the Rubie's Costume Collection will inspire you to a bigger and better Halloween season! Mascots, rental quality costumes, masks, wigs, accessories, shoes, and every significant licensed costume you want to wear can be found under the Rubie's brand. Still family owned, still family focused; Rubie's brings you fun for every season, Halloween, Christmas, Mardi Gras, Easter, and all in-between.
    Brand: Rubie's, Model: 888942_M, Color: Multi, Size: Medium

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