Peaceable Kingdom Sticker Fun At The Ballet Reusable Sticker Tote

Peaceable Kingdom
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  • Reusable sticker clings with a fun, fold out background scene offer hours of fun
  • A great solo play activity that requires no reading but encourages lots of imagination
  • Handled carrying tote makes this a perfect travel activity, when playtime is done, just toss everything back into the handy tote!
  • Complete kit includes two 6.25" x 18.75" scenes and 65 reusable stickers
  • For ages 3 years and older, Peaceable Kingdom packaging is all designed to be frustration free - naturally!

  • The little dancer in your life will adore this set. At the studio or on stage there are hours of fun stories to create with these little ballerinas. When playtime is done, toss it back into the carry-along tote! Stickers can be a valuable part of a child's development in so many ways! Sometimes, choosing which sticker they like, choosing where to paste it and decorating their favorite items help them to begin their first steps into developing their own unique identities. Add colorful fun to your sticker collection with great stickers from Peaceable Kingdom! With artwork that is always bright, colorful, age appropriate and tasteful you can be confident that BOTH you and your children will enjoy the creative play value and keepsake quality of every Peaceable Kingdom sticker pack. Nothing is more important than meaningful connections. Since 1983 play has been the heart and soul of Peaceable Kingdom. Silly play, special play, wholehearted play! We create experiences to help kids play well together, so they can play well in the world. Our games and gifts connect kids and families, encourage learning and self-expression and let imaginations soar. And if a piece of your Peaceable Kingdom game or gift gets lost in all that fun, we will gladly send you a replacement piece - just contact us directly with your need! When play comes from the heart and feeds the soul, that's Peaceable Kingdom.
    Brand: Peaceable Kingdom, Model: 03855

    Custom Tab 01

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