Morphsuits Kids Android Monster Costume - Medium 3'6-3'11 / 8-10 Years

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  • 95% Polyester/5% Spandex
  • It is Imported
  • SIZES THAT FIT: Size based on height Medium 3'6-3'11 / 8-10 Years (105cm - 119cm)
  • M-suits costume from the makers of morphsuits
  • M-suits are the perfect skin costume for all dressing up occasions, parties, prom and Halloween
  • Morph suits The Monster Range, The Android Robot Design fantastic & Original for Halloween Parties
  • Morph suits Official Costume, Available in Small Age 6-8, Medium Age 8-10 and Large Age 10-12
  • The World Famous all in one suit you can Drink, Breath and See Through, A great Costume for Halloween, Children's Parties and General Dress Up
  • Re-engineered material so Kids can read a car number plate from 20 meters
  • Velcro hood fastening device for easy and quick removal CE mark approved safety standard

  • Morph Costumes

    Morphsuits are the most popular costume brand in the world with over 1.3million Facebook fans. Kids Monster Morphsuits are all-in-one spandex costumes that cover the whole of your body from head to toe. You can breathe through them, drink through them and see through them but no one can see you! Kids Morphsuits have several significant extra safety and design features making them perfect for children. The fabric on the face has less density so visibility is excellent and rather than having two zips it has 1 zip and a hood with quick release velcro on the back of the head for easy removal. If you want to show your face just tear the velcro on the hood and tuck it in.

    Great For Parties

    Morphsuits come in 100 different colors and patterns, from black to blue, tuxedo to tie-dye, superheroes to scary. These Monster Morphsuits are the perfect Halloween costume. They are also great costumes for parties, charity events, school spirit, sport events or just running around the house.

    Brand: Morphsuits, Model: KLMOAM, Color: Android, Size: Medium 3'6-3'11 / 8-10 Years

    Custom Tab 01

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