Melissa & DougFood Fun Combine & Dine Dinner Set, Red

Melissa & Doug
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  • 17-piece play set of durable realistic play food
  • Includes ribs, drumstick, lamb chops, salmon, baked beans, Cauliflower, green beans, carrots, Mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, rice, cupcake, orange, brownie, Apple Pie, reusable menu card
  • Solid plastic food pieces are realistically detailed and dishwasher safe
  • Combine with other food fun collections to serve well-balanced pretend play meals
  • For ages 3 years and up; 10" x 9" x 3" pkg

  • Satisfy hungry imaginations with this one-piece set of durable realistic play food! kids three and older will make memorable make-believe meals with the solid, dishwasher-safe and realistically detailed food pieces, while also learning about nutrition and the importance of making and eating balanced meals. This combine & dine set includes proteins (BBQ ribs, chicken drumstick, lamb chops, salmon), vegetables and beans (baked beans, cauliflower, green beans, carrots), grains and starches (macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, rice), and fruit and desserts (cupcake, orange, Brownie, Apple Pie). identify the pieces and order meal combos with the reusable, full-color menu card. This playful food set combines perfectly with other food fun collections to serve well-balanced fun!
    Brand: Melissa & Doug, Model: 8267, Color: Red

    Custom Tab 01

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