Melissa & Doug Mickey Mouse Wooden Pizza and Birthday Cake Set (32 pcs) - Play Food

Melissa & Doug
Out Of Stock


  • Wooden cake and pizza to slice and serve
  • Includes 4 pizza slices, 12 pizza toppings, 4 cake slices, 4 cake toppings, 4 candles, 2 plates, rolling pizza cutter, and cake server
  • Self stick tabs hold slices together and toppings in place
  • Encourages fine motor and sorting skills; helps teach fractions and counting
  • Ages 3; pizza and cake approx. 5.5 inches (14 cm) in diameter each

  • Kids can't wait to slice and serve tasty treats with Mickey Mouse and the gang from the clubhouse! Four wooden pieces of festively decorated birthday cake and four slices of yummy pizza stick together with self stick tabs, and then can be sliced with the wooden cake server or rolling pizza cutter! Top the cake with toppings and candles, and the pizza with an assortment of 12 favorite toppings. The set also includes two wooden plates. It's a deliciously creative way for kids three and older to learn about fractions and to develop fine motor, sorting, and counting skills!.
    Brand: Melissa & Doug, Model: 7793

    Custom Tab 01

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