Melissa & Doug Frozen Treats Playset

Melissa & Doug
Out Of Stock


  • 24-piece wooden frozen treat play set
  • Includes 6 cookies, 3 ice cream fillings, 2 double-sided Italian ice inserts, 6 multi-colored ice pop halves, 2 Italian ice cups with lids, 2 spoons, reusable menu card
  • Mix and match to make ice cream sandwiches, ice pops, and Italian ice cups
  • Helps develop fine motor skills, matching and sorting skills, and counting skills
  • Ages 3; 16" x 10.4" x 3" pkg

  • Chill out with this 24-piece mix-and-match set! Make wooden ice cream sandwiches, ice pops, and Italian ice cups. Self-stick tabs hold together three different cookie flavors and vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry ice cream fillings. There are six multi-colored ice pops on sticks to stick together and pull apart. Or, fill the lidded cups with four flavors of ice and serve with a classic wooden spoon! Display the array of chilled goodies in the storage tray and use the menu card to identify all the pieces and to place orders. This play set is a great way for kids three and older to develop fine motor, matching and sorting, and counting skills. Food play has never been so cool!.
    Brand: Melissa & Doug, Model: 9869

    Custom Tab 01

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