Learning Resources Pretend & Play Cooking Set

Learning Resources
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  • Familiar, brightly colored cookware helps children develop imaginative play skills
  • Develop storylines and generate expressive play by giving children a theme to play to
  • 10-piece plastic cookware set includes: tea kettle, frying pan with lid, two-handled pot with lid, and five utensils
  • Frying pan measures 5" in diameter
  • Fun for ages 3

  • Develop imaginative play with familiar, brightly colored cookware. Includes tea kettle, frying pan with lid, two-handled pot with lid, and five utensils. Frying pan measures 5” in diameter.


    Children love to imitate their parents, and this cooking set makes kitchen play so realistic you can almost taste it. The teakettle with functional spout cover, frying pan, stewpot, two lids, and five utensils are all constructed of sturdy plastic in bright yellow, red, and blue. The scoop, slotted spoon, potato masher, spatula, and knife have oversized handles for easy gripping by small hands. The pots are about 4.5 inches in diameter and stand almost 4 inches tall. Whether your child has her very own kitchen or just a corner of yours, you're sure to get lots of enthusiastic help when she's got her own set of cookware. --Tami Horiuchi


    Children love to imitate their parents, and this cooking set makes kitchen play so realistic you can almost taste it. The teakettle with functional spout cover, frying pan, stewpot, two lids, and five utensils are all constructed of sturdy plastic in bright yellow, red, and blue. The scoop, slotted spoon, potato masher, spatula, and knife have oversized handles for easy gripping by small hands. The pots are about 4.5 inches in diameter and stand almost 4 inches tall. Whether your child has her very own kitchen or just a corner of yours, you're sure to get lots of enthusiastic help when she's got her own set of cookware. --Tami Horiuchi

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    Brand: Learning Resources, Model: LER9155, Color: Multi, Size: 5 W in

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