Learning Resources New Sprouts Healthy Breakfast

Learning Resources
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  • The most familiar foods to toddlers
  • Instill healthy eating habits early on with this play food
  • Crush-resistant, durable play food has soft edges, is sized right for small hands, and great for role play
  • Basket includes: yogurt cup, bowl of oatmeal with blueberries, berry cluster, apple, 2 eggs, mini bagel, banana, cantaloupe wedge, and grapefruit
  • Part of the award-winning New Sprouts line of toys. Ideal for ages 2.NOTE:Customer areadvised to (as stated on the product's packaging) wipe down the product using a damp cloth. This may help to remove any dust or smells. Any strong smells, if they exist, will dissipate as it is exposed to normal air flow.

  • Instill healthy eating habits and good nutritional choices early on. Set of 10 pieces includes green oval basket, yogurt cup, bowl of oatmeal with blueberries, berry cluster, apple, 2 eggs, mini bagel, banana, cantaloupe wedge, and grapefruit.
    Brand: Learning Resources, Model: LER9740, Color: Multicolor, Size: 8 D x 7 W x 4 H in

    Custom Tab 01

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