Kidoozie Little Builder Tool Belt

SKU: EZFB000087L1N
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  • PERFECT FOR LITTLE BUILDERS - Help mom and dad around the house with these fun building toys! This sturdy canvas kids tool belt from International Playthings features two pockets for easy use as well as a set of tools.
  • INCLUDES 6 ACCESSORIES - The Kidoozie Little Builder Tool Belt comes fully loaded. In it you'll find a pretend hammer, a pair of pliers, an adjustable wrench, a screwdriver with two interchangeable bits, and a level.
  • COMPLETELY FUNCTIONAL BELT - Just like a real life construction worker, the Kidoozie Little Builder Tool Belt has two easy-to-use pockets on the front that are fully capable of holding all your tools at once.
  • INTERNATIONAL PLAYTHINGS QUALITY - This product is part of the International Playthings LLC line of fun and interactive children's toys. Since 1967, we have excelled in the delivery of innovative and entertaining products with integrity, superior play value, and child developmental qualities in mind.
  • PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS - Package includes (1) Little Builder Tool Belt Kit with hammer, pliers, wrench, screwdriver with bits, and a level. For ages 2 and up.

  • "Help mom and dad around the house with these fun building toys! This sturdy canvas kids tool belt from International Playthings features two pockets for easy use as well as a set of tools. The Kidoozie Little Builder Tool Belt comes fully loaded. In it you'll find a pretend hammer, a pair of pliers, an adjustable wrench, a screwdriver with two interchangeable bits, and a level. Just like a real life construction worker, the Kidoozie Little Builder Tool Belt has two easy-to-use pockets on the front that are fully capable of holding all your tools at once. Package includes (1) Little Builder Tool Belt Kit with hammer, pliers, wrench, screwdriver with bits, and a level. For ages 2 and up. Since its inception in 1967, International Playthings, LLC has excelled in the delivery of innovative and entertaining products with integrity, superior play value and child developmental qualities to consumers. Over the course of its 40-year existence, IP LLC has grown to become one of the largest and most respected suppliers of quality products to the North American specialty industry."
    Brand: Kidoozie, Model: G02097, Size: 9-3/4 L x 1-1/2 W x 7-1/2 H in

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