Hape Kid's Coffee Maker Wooden Play Kitchen Set with Accessories

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  • Charming and unique addition to any toy kitchen
  • Includes wood toy coffee maker, cup, creamer and sugar
  • Encourages role play and education learning
  • Non-toxic finishes and child safe materials
  • For ages 3 - 5 years

  • The best way to start the morning is with a delicious cup of coffee! With the Playfully Delicious Coffee Maker Play Set from Hape, great coffee is only a push of a button and a little imagination away. This brightly painted coffee maker is the perfect addition to any play kitchen where little bakers and chefs are at work. Enjoy your cup as a lone morning pick-me-up, or pair with Hape's other Playfully Delicious toy food and kitchen sets to create a mouthwatering breakfast for the whole family. Encourages creative thinking and story-telling abilities, and develops basic kitchen skills. Made from wood sourced from environmentally sustainably sourced forests. Durable child safe paint finish and solid wood construction make this a toy your child will love for years to come. Hape's toys stimulate children through every stage of development and help nurture and develop their natural abilities. All Hape products sold in North America meet or exceed all applicable safety standards.
    Brand: Hape, Model: E3106

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