HABA Biofino Soft Fabric Fried Egg in Metal Shell Washable Plush Play Food

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  • Nifty hollow metal egg shell that comes apart, revealing a cloth egg. Crack it into the pan and fry it up for breakfast!
  • Metal egg measures 2" tall and flat egg measures approximately 5" in diameter. These high-quality, realistic pieces are an essential for any child's play kitchen collection.
  • Children want to mimic their parents and mentors as closely as possible and HABA realistic play food takes pretend play to the next level. The realistic design and packaging encourages imagination and creative role play.
  • For over 72 years HABA has been committed to creating innovative, quality toys that foster creativity and development in all ages. All HABA toys are constructed with BPA and phthalate free materials. The metal egg is coated in layers of non-toxic, chip resistant, water-based paint.
  • Contains: 1 fabric egg, 1 2" metal eggs shell that splits into two pieces. Egg is machine washable on cold, air dry.

  • Unique hollow metal egg pops apart, revealing cloth egg. Crack into a pan and fry it up for pretend play kitchen fun! Metal egg measures 2" tall and flat egg measures approximately 5" in diameter. These high-quality, realistic pieces are an essential for any child's play kitchen collection.
    Brand: HABA, Model: 1528

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