Green Toys Dish Set

Green Toys
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  • 24 pieces: 4 Plates, 4 Cups, 4 Bowls, 4 Place Settings (Fork/Knife/Spoon)
  • Made in USA from 100% recycled milk jugs
  • Super safe: no BPA or phthalates. Meets FDA specs for food use.
  • Dishwasher safe

  • Green Toys Dish Set

    By using the Green Toys Dish Set, your preschooler can help save the planet – one pretend meal at a time. Designed for children ages 2 and up, the Dish Set is made from recycled milk jugs, is FDA approved to eat and drink from, and does not contain BPA, phthalates, or lead paint. The set is colorful and durable, and is ideal for both indoor and outdoor play. Made in the USA from food-safe, 100% recycled milk jugs.

    Each piece in the set is 100% recycled and food-safe, making play time safe,healthy, and fun!Recycled plastic versus virgin plastic saves tremendous amounts of energy.
    Classic Kitchen Set with an Eco Friendly Twist!

    This colorful 24-piece set comes with everything you need to serve a meal for four – four green plates, four purple bowls, four blue cups, and four yellow knife/fork/spoon sets. Each piece is made in the USA from food-safe 100% recycled plastic. The pieces are interchangeable with other Green Toys kitchen play sets and sized to use with Green Toys play food products, making the Dish Set a perfect addition to your existing collection. Dishwasher safe for easy cleaning.

    Role Play Brings Imagination to Life

    The safe, durable material and design make this set great for the playroom, classroom, or picnic table. It encourages pretend play and the development of both gross and fine motor skills as children stack bowls, use the cup handle, or maneuver a fork. This set also provides the framework for learning important social skills and manners – setting a table, serving others first, saying “please” and “thank you”, and clearing the table at the end of a meal.

    Old-Fashioned Fun that's Made in the USA!

    Like all Green Toys products, the Dish Set is manufactured in the USA with a tight, local supply chain that minimizes transportation emissions and supports the domestic economy. Made from 100% recycled plastic milk jugs that save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, this super-safe set contains no BPA, Phthalates, PVC, or external coatings, eliminating the fear of toxins and lead paint. It also meets FDA food contact standards and is dishwasher safe, making it perfectly safe for playtime, and easy to clean after! Packaged using only recycled and recyclable materials with no plastic films or twist ties, and printed with soy inks.

    What's in the Box

    Four bowls, four cups, four saucers, and four knife/fork/spoon sets.

    Green Toys products are made from 100% recycled plastic milk jugs (#2 recycled HDPE).

    At a Glance
  • Ages: Two and up
  • Requires: Ready to play indoors or out
  • Made in the USA from 100 percent recycled milk jugs
  • Sturdy and durable
  • Designed to encourage role playing and development of gross and fine motor skills
  • Phthalate and BPA free
  • US supply chain reduces greenhouse gas and saves energy
  • Easy to clean--can even go in the dishwasher

  • Brand: Green Toys, Model: DSH01R, Color: Green, Size: Size

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