Forum Novelties Fez Hat - Onesize

Forum Novelties
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  • MATERIAL: Made of 100% polyester with a smooth finish. Sturdy and is properly moulded to retain its shape
  • UNIVERSAL FIT: Lightweight and offers a great fit, one size fits most teens and adults
  • CLASSIC LOOK: Features a beautiful cylindrical shape felt fez with dangling golden cord tassel on the side
  • VERSATILE: Works great as a headpiece for Aladdin, Turkish, Islamic, Greece, Moroccan, Dr Who or other traditional outfits
  • PREMIUM QUALITY: Made by Forum Novelties, a leader in costumes and novelty products for more than 30 years

  • Give your Aladin costume a perfect top off piece with Forum Novelties Felt Bonnet. Fez hat also known as “Rumi Topi” gives an islamic touch to your outfit and takes you back to the era when people used to wear it as a daily wear. Not just fun to wear, but it offers a comfortable fit and sits perfectly over every teen and adult heads. This classic, iconic hat makes a great headpiece for Aladdin, genie, monkey with cymbals, Moroccan or Dr. Who outfit. Fun and unique hats for those who like to stand out from the crowd.

    Choosing a costume for Halloween is a task in itself. But not when we are around. Our Halloween costumes are practical, fun, clever and easy to carry. Right from infants to children of all ages and adults, we have an outfit for everyone and every theme be it something downright scary, funky or out of the box. Shop from our wide variety of costume collection and make your choice – spooky, funny or simply adorable.


    1) Material: Felt 2) Authentic and realistic look 3) Easy and comfortable to wear 4) Perfect headpiece for many outfits 5) Value for money

    Item Includes:

    Brand: Forum Novelties, Model: 57862, Color: Red, Size: Standard

    Custom Tab 01

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