This sketch pad lets you draw fashions and accessories on the Fashion Angels models.
It comes with removable, plastic stencil cards with 100 fashion and accessory shapes to help create your designs on the formatted drawing sheets.
The spiral bound book is great for on the go.
Fits easy in a tote or backpack
Wonderful collection of craft activities for hours of fun and creativity.
It comes with removeable, plastic stencil cards with 100 fashion and accessory shapes to help create your designs on the formated drawing sheets.
Become the next great fashion designer with the Fashion Angels Fashion Design Sketch Portfolio. Each page has a pre-printed outline of a model to get your creativity started. Use the stencils to add your own details, color, and embellish with stickers. Dream up and design your own fashion line with the Fashion Angels Fashion Design Sketch Portfolio. Each page has a pre-printed outline of a model to get your creativity started. Use the stencils to add your own details, color-in, and embellish with stickers. The spiral bound book is also great for on the go! Brand: Fashion Angels, Model: 11451, Color: Multi-colored
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