EverEarth Toddler Workbench with Tools. Wooden Building Set Hammer Toy

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  • 5 TOOLS & BENCH - This toddler workbench and tool set includes: toy hammer, wrench, flat head screw driver, pretend saw, and working bench vice
  • YOU ALSO GET - Wooden nails for hammering, screws, nuts and bolts, boards with holes, and a workbench top with threaded holes for screwing
  • KID-SAFE - Kids tools are designed for safe pretend play. Smoothly-finished and stained with non-toxic, BPH-free, water-based paint
  • ECO-FRIENDLY WOOD - Sustainably harvested and environmentally friendly toddler wooden workbench and tools
  • COMPACT DESIGN - Designed for play while sitting, kneeling or on a table top. Fun, yet small in size so it can tuck away on a shelf. Perfect for crowded playrooms and apartments

  • Keep your child interested and busy with this wooden workbench and kids tool set, including: hammer, toy wrench, flat head screw driver, toy saw, and working bench vice. Childrens tools and components are pre-sanded, pre-drilled with rounded corners and stained with non-toxic, BPH-free, water-based paint - so they're kid safe. This childs tool set is fully tested to the United States ASTM F963 and European EN 71 standards, the highest consumer product safety standards worldwide. Made of wood sustainably harvested from nurseries that are FSC certified (Forest Stewardship Council). An educational toy for toddlers and preschoolers that develops your childs STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) capabilities. Learning to use the wrench and screw driver teaches logical thinking and problem solving. Assembling nuts and bolts encourages fine motor skills. And of course, your toddler will delight in swinging the hammer. Gender-neutral wooden tool bench and colors make this a good toddler activity toy for girls and boys. The many activities let multiple children play at the same time. Perfect for play dates and families with multiple children! Assembly is quick and easy. Requires only a screw driver. Measures 21.6 x 12.6 x 27.2 inches. For toddlers and preschoolers age 3 and up. What's in the Box: 1 kids tool bench with tool rack, 1 toy hammer, 1 saw, 1 wrench, 1 screw driver, 1 bench vice, nuts, bolts, nails, boards with holes, 1 removable tool storage compartment and instructions.
    Brand: EveEarth, Model: EE32688

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