elope Dr. Seuss Thing 1 and 2 Kids Costume, S 4-6 by

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  • LET THEM BE ANY THING THEY WANT: Help your little one be any Thing they want with this Dr. seuss Thing 1 & 2 Costume S (4-6)
  • COSTUME KIT INCLUDES: Fuzzy wig, bodysuit with Sewn Patch, Attachable numbers 1 & 2
  • LICENSED: Licensed by Dr. Seuss
  • FOR KIDS: Safety tested for ages 3, sized to fit most kids 4-6
  • EXCELLENT QUALITY: Designed for you with love and laughter by the elope team in Colorado Springs, USA; Made in China

  • Help your little one be the best Thing in town with this Dr. Seuss Thing 1 & 2 Costume Kids Size S (4-6) by elope. Featuring a soft polyester bodysuit with printed patch, a blue plush fuzzy wig, and Attachable Numbers 1 & 2, this costume will help your child be prepared for their school Seuss event or a larger group costume.

  • 100% Polyester costume; 75% Polyester/25% Cotton wig; faux fur
  • Includes: Red bodysuit with printed patch, attachable numbers 1 &2, and blue fuzzy wig
  • Essential costume accessory for Thing 1, or 2, or Dr. Seuss, Group Costume
  • Safety tested for ages 3, sized for child size 4-6
  • Kids Small (4-6) fits: 23 - 25" Chest, 21 - 23" Waist, 24 - 26" Hip, 16 - 19" inseam, 42 - 48" Height, 39 - 50 lbs
  • Officially licensed merchandise
  • SHARE LAUGHTER: WEAR HAPPINESS In 1993, elope's founders created a company dedicated to a vision of happiness: everybody's laughing on planet earth (e.l.o.p.e). 25 years later, it's that same delight in adventure, joyful gift ideas, and passion for creative costumes that inspires every product decision. TAKING FUNNY COSTUMES SERIOUSLY At elope, we're not just in it for seasonal Halloween costume hat or Christmas hats. We're committed to transforming the world through responsibly sourced silly hats, easy costumes, and kids dress-up items as wearable art. We like to be inclusive by designing costumes for men, costumes for women, costumes for children — everyone! Keep on laughing! #laughwithelope
    Brand: elope, Model: 403230, Color: One Color, Size: kids 4-6

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