Disney Beauty & The Beast Live Action Enchanted Tea Set Playset

Disney Beauty & The Beast
In Stock


Brand Disney Beauty & The Beast
Model 32724
Color Natural
Size Standard

  • Be our guest at an enchanted tea party for two!
  • Mrs. Potts' eyes blink when the tea is poured!
  • Chip wobbles on his saucer. Recommended for ages 3 and up
  • Recommended for ages 3 and up

  • Once the human servants of a magnificent castle, these enchanted friends are the beasts faithful companions. They fondly remember the Prince in his youth and what it was to be human, hoping that one day the spell will be broken. Mrs. Potts, the doting housekeeper who was transformed into a teapot, cares deeply for all who inhabit the castle – especially her fun-loving son chip, the teacup, who is always on the move by way of his saucer. These two are not your average cup of tea! be our guest at an enchanted tea party for two, inspired by the Disney movie "beauty & the beast." Mrs. Potts' eyes blink when the tea is poured! chip wobbles on his saucer.

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