Battat Contractor's Tool Kit Play Set

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  • Develop motor skills and encourage your child's mechanical inclinations with this fantastic toy tool set.
  • This 16-piece carpentry kit includes a tape measure, screw driver with 3 bits, 2 bolts with nuts, nail, hammer, saw, drill, wrench, and a pair of pliers.
  • A cool utility case neatly holds all of your tools for easy transport and convenient storage.
  • Made using safe and high quality materials, this product is designed to last.
  • Recommended for ages 3 years and up.
  • Battat is a family-owned toy manufacturer that is 114 years old and has been in North America for over 40 years.
  • Every Battat toy has an educational value, whether it is didactic or nurturing, or collecting and creating worlds for children playing with them.
  • Each product is always manufactured to the highest standards under rigorous safety standards.
  • 16 piece tool kit that includes a 9.75" x 4" x 8.25" utility case
  • Tools included: tape measure, screw driver w/3 bits, 2 bolts w/nuts, nail, hammer
  • Saw, drill, wrench and a pair of pliers
  • Pieces store easily in the utility case
  • For ages 3 years and up

  • Learn carpentry skills with the Battat Contractor's Tool Kit Play Set. Develop motor skills and encourage your child's mechanical inclinations with this fantastic toy tool set. This 16-piece carpentry kit includes a tape measure, screw driver with 3 bits, 2 bolts with nuts, nail, hammer, saw, drill, wrench, and a pair of pliers. A cool utility case neatly holds all of your tools for easy transport and convenient storage. Made using safe and high quality materials, this product is designed to last. Recommended for ages 3 years and up.
    Brand: Battat, Model: 68027AM

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