ALEX Toys Wooden Sweets Bar

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  • Tap the ball at the top and watch it roll down the spiral
  • Bright colors and whimsical graphics
  • Parents' Choice Recommended Award winner and The Family Review and Award Center Seal of Approval and Gold Award winner
  • Includes a sturdy wooden base, 3 brightly colored balls, and a wooden mallet
  • Recommended for children 10 months of age and older
  • 33 appetizing pieces
  • Slice and serve tasty looking wooden treats
  • Great make believe fun
  • Includes sweets bar, 8 small cakes, 6 cake slices, 2 cupcakes, 3 slices of cake roll, 2 candies, cake server, 2 plates and cutting tool
  • Recommended for children 3 years of age and older

  • ALEX Toys Wooden Sweets Bar lets you serve up some tasty looking wooden treats. Practice your hostess skills and dish out cupcakes, candies, cake roll and more to your next pretend tea party. The 33-piece set includes a 6-piece, two-tiered sweets bar (15in. wide x 11in. high x 8in. deep), 4 round small cakes, 4 square small cakes, 6 cake slices, 2 cupcake bottoms and 2 cupcake tops, 3 slices of cake roll, 2 candies, cake server, 2 plates, cutting tool and easy instructions.
    Brand: ALEX Toys, Model: 714W

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