ALEX Toys Picnic Basket

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  • 18 piece wicker picnic basket with 4 place settings
  • Fun to play with at home or away
  • Perfect for the backyard, park, or living room
  • Includes 4 tin plates, 4 tin cups, 4 plastic spoons, 4 plastic forks, cloth tablecloth, and wicker carrying basket
  • Recommended for children 3 years of age and older

  • Alex Toys Picnic Basket

    Alex Toys Picnic Basket is a charming little basket filled with everything you need for an afternoon picnic. Have all your friends over and maybe even a family member for lunch in the backyard, park, or living room. This set is recommended for children 3-years of age and older.

    All supplies fit neatly into the wicker basket View larger18-piece set includes everything needed for a pretend picnic View larger
    Includes Wicker Basket for Easy Transportation

    The wicker basket holds this entire set together and makes transportation simple as your child brings his or her picnic from one location to another. All supplies fit neatly into the basket, including adorable blue dishes and a tablecloth to set the scene.

    Encourages Imagination and Learning Development

    This set is designed for pretend play, encouraging little ones to use their imagination and eat invisible food at their picnic. Pretend play is great for developing the imagination, enhancing creativity, and encouraging social skills in young children. Alex Toys Picnic Basket is also the recipient of the Dr. Toy's Best Classic Toys Award and the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award.

    Picnic Set Perfect for Small Groups

    Serve up to four (4) friends or family members at once with this set that includes everything needed for a picnic. Your little ones will have a blast as they set up the tablecloth, napkins, cups, and silverware before engaging in their own private party.All pieces are safe, clean and perfect for indoor or outdoor play.

    What's in the Box

    Alex Toys Picnic Basket includes (4) plates, (4) cups, (4) spoons, (4) forks, tablecloth, and wicker carrying basket.

    About Alex Toys

    Alex Toys has become the preeminent manufacturer of children's products and with over 1,000 unique items, Alex makes toys for every age group, from toddlers to teens and everything in-between. With toys in the baby, fashion, crafts and miscellaneous categories, Alex makes toys that encourage a lifetime of learning. Alex Toys are currently sold worldwide in over (80) countries through specialty retail stores, catalogs, and websites.

    Product Features
  • Enamel ware picnic set serves up to four friends at once with dishes and tablecloth
  • Packed in a wicker case for convenient storage
  • Lets children have pretend picnics with their friends
  • Safe, clean and fun for kids
  • Recommended for children 3-years of age and up

  • Brand: ALEX Toys, Model: 708N, Color: multi/none, Size: Small

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