12 Pack of Charms For Rubberband Loom Bracelets

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  • 12 charms in each package.
  • They are new, colorful and compatible with all common rubber band rainbow loom kits
  • Designs, colors, shapes, sizes and themes of the charms are assorted. Note that each pack will have different design combinations.
  • Each charm has a ring to enable easy connection to the rubber band bracelet or necklace or anklets.
  • The charms are packaged in a Poly Bag. There are no other accesories included.

  • Does your child love coming up with new creations of braceletes, anklets and necklaces on their rubberband loom Have they used up all the available charms in the original pack Or are they just looking for new charm designs that will inspire their next creation If so, then we are what you're looking for. We stock various designs, colors, shapes, sizes and themes or silicone charms. They will keep your child busy doing something that they love. Buy on this page!
    Brand: Bewild, Model: IM-XT9Q-FPKY

    Custom Tab 01

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