Monster High Garden Ghouls Treesa Thornwillow Doll, 14.5"

Monster High
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  • Monster High Garden Ghouls Treesa Thornwillow doll really grows on you -- the 14.5-inch tree monster doll becomes a play set as you spread out her branches and open her trunk!
  • Unfold the trunks' two sides to expand the play set or to remove Treesa Thornwillow doll from the clips for two-in-one fun!
  • Twist the knob in the doll's lower back to see her torso grow and the branches that extend from a tree house on her upper back lift up and spread out
  • Decorate the green branches with the six included garden icons in bright colors -- there are two flowers, three bugs and a web
  • Other items in the line, like the Monster High Garden Ghouls winged critters dolls, also connect to Treesa Thornwillow doll's tree play set (sold separately)

  • At 14.5 inches tall, Monster High Garden Ghouls Treesa Thornwillow doll really grows on you -- the tree girl doll becomes a tree monster play set! It's so easy to create a world of fun. The trunk that covers her legs opens to expand the space or let her free. Remove her from the clips to walk the garden or keep her in place and spread the branches in her back to decorate and display. Simply twist the knob in her back to see her torso grow and the bright green branches lift up. Treesa Thornwillow doll comes with six hooked garden icons, like a flower, bug or web, that can hang from spots within the doll's elaborate branches. Arrange and rearrange the colorful pieces to tell tales or create new displays. Build out the story and play set even more with other dolls from the line. The Monster High Garden Ghouls winged critters dolls (sold separately) have hooks at their waists that also connect to Treesa Thornwillow doll's tree set. The tree monster doll stands tall in a dress with black bodice and skirt with ruffles and colorful bug print. Green climbing shoes have leaf details. Monsterrific touches include her tree textured skin, sparkling branched ears and colorfully streaked hair. Young ghouls will love discovering what makes them uniquely fantastic along with the beast friends from Monster High. Collect all of the Monster High Garden Ghouls dolls and accessories to grow your own gore-geous garden of fantastical fun (each sold separately, subject to availability). Includes Garden Ghouls Treea Thornwillow doll wearing fashion and shoes, tree stump play set and six hooked garden pieces. Colors and decorations may vary.
    Brand: Monster High, Model: FCV59

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