Monster High Create-A-Monster Add-On Siren Accessory Parts

Monster High
Out Of Stock


  • Now kids can build their own Monster High doll
  • All the body parts and fashions needed to create your own unique scary cool ghoul
  • The pieces can be assembled in more than 100 ways
  • Kids will enjoy creating their own monsters again and again
  • Includes 1 head, 1 wig, 2 lower arms/hands, one siren tail, monster parts, 1 fashion and 1 pair of shoes

  • Monster High Dolls Create-A-Monster Add-On Packs: Now, ghouls can build their own unique monsters, just like those at Monster High. With these add-on parts to compliment the Monster High Create-A-Monster Starter Packs, kids have even more options to create their own scary cool ghouls. New options include a Siren with alluring tail and Harpy with winged forearms. Each Add-On Pack includes 1 head, 1 wig, 2 lower arms/hands, 2 lower legs, monster parts, 1 fashion and 1 pair of shoes. Kids will enjoy creating their own monsters again and again. Sold separately. Collect them all.
    Brand: Monster High, Model: Y0419

    Custom Tab 01

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