Imani, MUSIC VIDEO - African-American Princess Doll with Wigs and Accessories (1994)

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  • One of a series of Imani - The African American Princess - Dolls
  • Produced in 1994.
  • Can create different hairstyles and different looks with mesh cape/skirt
  • Pretend to be a music video director

  • This Imani doll, called the "You Can Be What You Wanna Be" Doll, wears a short, fitted gold lame dress with cut-away shoulders, a high neck and long sleeves.It has a purple "jewel" in the center of the bodice.Around the waist is a white mesh with gold dots skirt tied with gold ribbon -- which transforms into a cape with or without a hood.Imani wears large gold colored hoop earrings and a circular gold ring.Imani's stage wardrobe is extensive: a gold lame cap with long braids and multi-colored large beads, a short red bob wig, a crimped long woven wig, a camcorder-camera-microphone, a hairbrush, brilliant gold pumps, and "You Can Be What You Wanna Be" Booklet and Cut-Out Cover/Diary/Dictionary and Cut-Out Poster.
    Brand: Imani

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